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Rebecca Sentance
Jan 27, 2018
In Education
EduPristine Big Data Analytics courses program is specially designed to master the latest and core components of Hadoop like Map-reduce, HBASE, PIG, HIVE, SQOOP, Oozie with Hue and plus complementary session on Java Essentials for Hadoop, Python and Unix sessions. The impact of Big Data was realized in 2014. 2013 was the year when Big data was introduced to the world & 2014 showed that the market for big data services is beginning to mature. DATA IS EVERYWHERE ranging from phones to televisions and computers; from logistics to inventory to customer info. Everywhere you see huge amounts of data being collated every minute. The data flow’s so fast that the total accumulation of the past two years—a zettabyte—dwarfs the prior record of human civilization. We call this the Big Data revolution. It’s a revelation & as big data was an enigma, experts predict that Big Data can solve the most of the problems in 21st century.
Rebecca Sentance
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