We are no longer living in a world without the iPad. Pre-orders have been filled, lines to pick them up have passed, and they are now in the hands of a large number of people. With that, a slew of apps - as well as some sweet-looking games - have been released into the world. Here's a list of iPad games we're looking forward to playing.
Scrabble: While there is already a Scrabble app for the iPhone, the new iPad version adds some cool new features. The single player mode has more flare and animation, but the local multiplayer mode takes the cake. The iPad serves as the game board, and your iPhone or iPod Touch serves as your own letter tray because everyone in the game has one. When it's your turn, you simply swipe forward the letters you wish to use, and they appear on the iPad. Awesome! In the app store, it costs $9.99.
Plants vs. Zombies HD: We adore Plants vs. Zombies, as evidenced by my iPhone review. More features and game styles are now available on a larger screen. The $9.99 was well spent.
Geometry Wars: A popular puzzle/shooter that you may remember from XBLA is now available for $9.99 on the iPad.
Flight Control: More planes, bigger airfields, and more challenges = more fun! Bonus: one of the airfields has anaglyphic imaging, which means that if you have 3D glasses, you can see this map in 3D. $4.99.
Real Racing HD: This game demonstrates the iPad's graphic capabilities. Real automobiles, accelerometer controls, and a fun/casual racing experience are all included in this game. $9.99
Fieldrunners is a popular tower defense game that was first released on the iPhone and is now available on the iPad. Tower defense games are a promising genre with more playable space, and this one costs $7.99. On a related note, geoDefense for the iPad must be implemented as soon as possible.
Geometry Dash: RobTop Games created and published Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based platformer game. For August 13, 2013, it was published for $1.99 on iOS and Android, and $3.99 on Steam on December 22, 2014. On mobile devices, a light version of the game with less features is available, as well as free expansions Geometry Dash Meltdown, Geometry Dash World, and Geometry Dash SubZero, which have exclusive levels.
These are just a few of the iPad games now available, with many more on the way. The official Netflix app (stream Watch immediately movies through WiFi), Marvel comics app (beautiful comic reader), and IMDb are a few non-game honorable picks.
What iPad games are you playing right now?