Many people take vitamins, because they believe that a deficiency of a certain vitamin will cause you to get sick. What they don't realize is that this belief is based on decades of research, and the research has been done on people who eat a very limited diet and are taking supplements.
Most vitamins in your food supply are only beneficial if they are taken with foods that contain them - otherwise, it's like drinking liquid vitamins: it's just water-soluble vitamins. All the good stuff is in the food you eat. And all the bad stuff is in the food you don't eat.
The reason we have dietary supplements is to fill in the gaps. Most people eat only about five different kinds of foods over their entire lives. We need a few more things to round out our diets, and we need them to be bioavailable - we need them not to just sit there but to get into our bodies so that we can absorb them. So we supplement with micronutrients, trace elements and other compounds that aren't very interesting but which might be important for particular parts of our body.