start by a horse feed brand. Illustration Ws Numbers List podcast Earning model 3: linking product or service In your podcast you are happy Ws Numbers List to share your knowledge, experiences and inspiration about a certain topic. Listeners Ws Numbers List like to know how to use a product or learn what to do to get the same results as you. For example, if you are an online marketing
specialist and you have a podcast about Ws Numbers List social media, it is very easy to link a training about social media to it. And as an optician, you can refer to a free eye test at your store or share a discount code with listeners of your Ws Numbers List podcast. With such links you can earn a lot of money if you do it the right way. For example, Kim Ws Numbers List Minicom launched an online training via her podcast last September for the first time and achieved a turnover of one ton!
That's making money with your Ws Numbers List podcast. Earning model 4: collect online leads In the past, as a marketer, you had a simple Ws Numbers List marketing mix compared to now. You remember them: the 5 P's. The internet has opened up many more options for attracting customers. For example, you can collect online leads with blogs and Ws Numbers List online articles, start an online community, use social media and offer a giveaway, such as a free e-book. By plugging your podcast